Struggling With Self-Worth?

Last updated on: Published by: Recognizing Potential Coaching 0

You are incredible, strong, intelligent, admired, beautiful and worthy! Yes, YOU! 

What was your first thought when you read that? Was it “YEAH! I am! Thanks, Kam!” or was it “Well…I don’t know about that.” 

One of the top things that people are struggling with, not just women but men too, is self-worth. We have struggled so much over the past 18 months. We’ve tried to do more, be more, have more, make ends meet, and do it all perfectly that we’ve convinced ourselves that we aren’t worthy of having, doing or being what we were meant for.

Ephesians 2:10 talks about how we are God’s MASTERPIECE! Now, when I think masterpiece, I think Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet. Would you compare yourself to something as exquisite as a piece by one of these incredible artists? And yet, God was even more incredible of an artist than these human men! 

Here’s what’s holding you back from having the self-worth you need to move forward. 

Mindset and the Source of Resistance.
Pay attention to the thoughts you have about yourself every day. If there are more negative than positive, that’s where you start. Catch yourself when you’re thinking something negative and reframe it to be true and positive. I’m not saying you have to make things up just to be positive. I’m talking about having the self-awareness to look at all your greatness and celebrate that while simultaneously recognizing what’s holding you back. Is it that you don’t believe you can achieve your goals because no one in your family has successfully ever done what you want to do before? Where does your mind go when people give you a compliment? What’s holding you back from achieving your goals? 

Find your purpose & stick with it.
How often do you absolutely love something but you quit because you don’t think you’re making progress fast enough? 
We live in a world of immediate gratification and avoidance of pain. We have to rewire our thinking to stop believing that if we don’t get that pat on the head right away or we struggle longer than a day, it means that our efforts are trash, we are trash and we need to quit and never attempt it again. No. We need patience, perseverance and maybe to pivot our efforts or get help! If we were given this passion, there’s a reason for it. Lessons will be inevitable. Those lessons usually come with a source of pain.

Stop living for everyone else. 
Raise your hand if you are a people pleaser or a recovering people pleaser. (This is me, raising my hand for the recovering side too!) People with a healthy self-worth of their own will push you up, help you obtain the resources and tools needed to help you be more successful. Those who lack self-worth will tear you down, criticize and control out of fear that you’ll be more successful than they believe they can be. Remember that you will never be criticized by people doing more than you. 

Bottom line here, to have a better self-worth, you have to start with yourself. I’ve preached emotional intelligence until I’m about blue in the face lately but that’s because it’s so needed in this world and this topic falls under the EQ category. To increase your EQ and your self-worth, you have to build resilience, start telling yourself more positive than negative self-affirmations, stop living for everyone else and jump on those opportunities knocking at your door. Set boundaries on your time, money and energy expended. Change what needs to be changed. Get help if needed and above all, celebrate your wins! 

You are needed in this world! The only one able to do what you do, like you do, is you! That’s pretty remarkable! 

Your coach, 


P.S- if this is an area where you have struggled for more than just a short season in your life, consider jumping into my EQ & You program! Chances are, your lack of self-worth is what’s held you back in life for years and we can change that before the end of the year! 

Do This When You Need Productive Energy

Last updated on: Published by: Recognizing Potential Coaching 0

A few weeks ago, Moe told me he was feeling down, unmotivated and overall just “blah”. Then I got covid and after I recovered, I felt the same way. The odd thing was that I couldn’t pinpoint exactly why I felt this way, just as he couldn’t either. 

Then I came across an article talking about the clutter in your space and the reasons you need to clean it out. Bingo! As I looked around my house, the kitchen table had become a catch-all, the baby’s toys were everywhere, I had papers and books piled on our dresser dating back to God knows when. My house is clean, but it’s not always picked up. Just being real with you here!

All the piles and junk had mentally taken over me and I’d had it. See, what happens when we let our space- work or home- get this way is, the clutter becomes distracting. We see it. We know it needs to be taken care of but we have 20 other things on our brain so that becomes a “I’ll get to that later”. Later never comes but you keep passing the piles and reminding yourself of the never ending to do list in your head.

For some, it hinders creativity. The mental overwhelm of what needs to be done can be stifling. Meanwhile, giving yourself an organized, clean space promotes motivation, creativity, and inspiration. In my case, this was absolutely true! More on that in a second.

In a recent study done by the National Association of Professional Organizers, being organized was found to give people an extra 60 minutes a day! Just because they were able to find what they needed! WHAT?! An extra hour a day? Imagine what we could do! Workout, self-care, spend more time with our families, sleep, clear more clutter…haha, kidding…sort of. 

Lastly, it was found that clutter actually adds more stress to your life. You’re looking at all these piles and the overwhelm of where to start takes over, so instead of just starting anywhere, you put it off and don’t do it at all. Then the vicious cycle starts again. 

What I found when I started clearing piles is that it was like a domino effect. I started with the kitchen table. That lead to a few areas in our dining room, then to my bedroom and our dresser. Then to our closet and before I knew it, I was cleaning out from under the fridge and scrubbing the inside of the microwave! All of this happened while Moe was on a 4 day work trip and when he came home, he was shocked! He kept saying “Wow! This feels so much better!” Additionally, I found the creativity and inspiration to create two more courses! (Watch for those in the next few weeks!) 

So, the next time you feel uninspired, stressed, out of creativity, overwhelmed and “blah” start with your space. Throw things away, organize, store, repaint- whatever you have to do to make your space feel clean and refreshed. It will refresh your mind too! 



P.S- Don’t forget that Back to Basics doors are closing this Thursday! If this “blah” feeling is something that’s taken over and you’re needing help finding more of this inspiration and motivation in other areas of your life too- B2B is definitely for you! 

P.P.S- The 31 Day Marriage challenge starts FRIDAY! Have you signed up? This challenge is so incredible! A devotional, a short 5 minute audio lesson, a connecting question and a challenge emailed right to you every single day! These connecting questions are things like “What areas of your relationship have you not been fulfilling your purpose?” and “How is doubt affecting your relationship?” These are NOT your typical “Bring flowers home” challenge questions.